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phedrine is a substance used in sports for fat loss and increased performances.

Active substance: Ephedrine


Ephedrine is a stimulant belonging to a class of drugs called sympathomimetic. Ephedrine is an alpha and beta agonist. In addition it promotes secretion of norepinephrine, which is very similar to adrenaline, and acts on the alpha and beta receptors. When administered, ephedrine will increase the activity of the central nervous system and will also influence other cells in the body. This will result in a higher body temperature, which will boost metabolism. This will help burn subcutaneous fat. The effect of anabolic steroids can be improved with Ephedrine, because the metabolic rate is measured based on the time it takes the body to convert fats, carbohydrates and proteins in energy. An improved metabolic rate may lead to better lean muscle gains.

The stimulant effect of ephedrine will lead to more strength. It is therefore used by lifters before competitions. Can help to better concentration, giving energy to the user. Many athletes use 25-50 mg Ephedrine before trainings to be better stimulated and  to have more productive workouts. It is important not to use ephedrine constantly for this purpose, the body adapting and so the effect will decrease in intensity until disappears. It is used two or three times a week, especially on days when the user believes it will have and intense training. It is also recommended to take a break for 1-2 months after a few weeks of using ephedrine.

Although the increased strength is important, the main use of ephedrine is to burn fat and obtain muscle definition. It will be administered several times a day while dieting, the doses ranging from 25-50 mg per administration.

The most popular and effective stack for fat loss is ephedrine (25-50 mg), caffeine (200mg) and aspirine (300mg) - ECA. In this combination ephedrine and caffeine both act as thermogenic substance. Adding aspirin helps increase lipolysis by blocking the uptake of fatty acids. The sign that the stack is effective is the increase of body temperature by about one degree. This combination is given twice or three times a day for several weeks in a row. Discontinue when the temperature returns to normal, a sign that stack is no longer effective. At this point, increasing dosage will be ineffective. Instead taking a break of several weeks will make ephedrine cefficient again. 

Ephedrine can have some unwanted side effects. Trembling of the hands, excessive sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness, panic. Usually these effects disappear after a while or if the dose is lowered. Those who do not tolerate caffeine well will not tolerate ephedrine. Physical and mental side effects of ephedrine are similar to those caused by clenbuterol . So those who tolerate Clenbuterol can tolerate  ephedrine and vice versa. A decrease in appetite will also happen, but is a welcome effect when fat loss is desired. Those suffering from thyroid dysfunctions, high blood pressure or heart disease should not take this drug.

The future of ephedrine is unknown because it is a main ingredient in the manufacture of methamphetamine, commonly known as "speed", as it is called on the street.

Warning! This drugs can be efficient but dangerous. To avoid side effects and health complication you can use natural potent alternatives, like Burn Booster (thyroid stimulating supplement) or TriApidix 300 (natural metabolic stimulator).


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